Slow Laptop

I was ready to sleep at three AM but Irwin seemed to be troubled and thus I accompanied him to chat downstairs my house until around six AM. I had two hours of sleep before getting up for work.

One of the most sickening things was that the office’s software was not updated enough to configure the new EHz-link card, such that I could not access into the office by myself until when the headquarter was ready to move on with the government’s trend and technology.

I received another two ang bao and I actually felt quite bad since I was already a grown up.

I tried new lunch together, which was the long-wanted nasi pataya but I was very turned off to the fact that inside the egg, it was plain rice instead of fried rice. The sauce almost made me faint. Other than that, the food was quite okay.

I had a pathetic day because I uninstalled the Photoshop CS3 from the laptop since the resource could no longer take the load. The system drive was actually too small; the free space had to have more than a gigabyte big in order for the entire windows XP to run at normal speed.

The research on my presentation was a disaster since the topic on cryptography was very dry for case study. I tried my best but with the slow system, keeping my eyes open was helpless.

I was quite tempted to get myself a laptop to use in office, for studies and to get out of my house to work at one of the cafes or fast food restaurants in future.

There was no badminton even though I had brought my stuffs along.

Weitat, Daniel and I left together without Jingkun. However, before we leave the gate, Jingkun had driven pass us without any signalling and we could see how rush he was.


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