Year 2008 – The Year of Enlightening

– Work
My work as a lecturer continued from end of year 2007. I met the best bosses on earth and more cute colleagues. I met youngsters who were enthusiastic but many were merely wasting their lives, which was disheartening. Even though I had gained many experiences from the job, but it did not do any good in prospect. The first time I was supposed to leave, Jingkun stopped me and I stayed on even longer to earn my university fee. The supposed-to-be three months work lasted more than a year.

– Financial
It was the first time in my life that financial was stable and I could spend more than ever in food and clothing. However, I had to save up for my degree course and thus, could never afford to enjoy myself sufficiently yet.

– Health
Health was at a poor state with some major flu and sore throat attacks every few months. Stitches at my stomach after every meal worsened. My right knee was injured after diving on the ground for volleyball and badminton games. My weight went down to fifty-two kilograms at the worst time.

– Family
There were more family gathering sessions.
– Friends
Other than making more great new friends, I got closer to my buddies who worked with me since we hanged out very often for meals and helped each other in work. However, I drifted away a lot from other friends. My MSN was quiet most of the time.

– Sport
I took up golf at Queenstown driving range under Irwin’s influence but my skill was never good since he did not stay in Singapore for long each time. There was less volleyball games towards the end of the year when some bastards made things difficult for us. I got to touch badminton again after ten years of exiling.

– Relationship
I got to know some nice girls but none had appreciated me. I was destined to focus on my work and be ready for my studies. Nevertheless, I knew my own situation well and was not ready to provide a good life for anyone.

– Achievements
The greatest breakthrough was the financial stability, such that I did not need to starve myself like sometimes in the past. The registration of degree course in University of Wollongong was an achievement as well, with the advanced standing to the third year.

– Failures
Greatest failure was the lack of motivation to finish my websites. I was also unable to do up a portfolio as planned. Next was the bad habit of treating girls too nice.


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