Early Home from Tutorial

Yesterday, Weitat offered to send me to school again. Just as we were about to leave, Chi Chiang volunteered to give me a ride as well and I had to reject him. I felt so blessed with good friends who were willing to spend extra time just to make my life more comfortable.

I was more than an hour earlier for the lesson. The usual study tables at both sides of the lifts were filled and I moved to the opposite where I discovered the area where not as many people were desired. There was however, a group of students at the second table, making noises to distract me.

I was fed up with the Microsoft Word that hung on me and it was probably due to the windows updates I did before leaving the office. I had to switch to the 2003 version to get things working. It was a pleasant evening eventually with the passers-by, drawing more of my attentions. SIM was definitely crowded with cute babes.

I made my attempt to create documents for the FYP as the leader. Since I had wasted quite a lot of time with the MS Word bugs, Soon Siong caught up with me soon.

After dinner, we reached the lab right on time. Dr Loo surprised me by saying we could submit the assignments on the spot instead of following the paper’s instruction of emailing him before 7pm.

I began digging into the tutorial two all by myself and finished it right after Dr Loo announced that we had to submit it to him. We left the lab at 8pm, breaking the record. I was quite glad with myself for being able to finish the work for the entire group to prove my worth.

I missed a bus 75 right in front of me and thus, I followed Soon Siong in his bus 74 to transit to MRT.

I closed my lids a few times and lost track of the actual time that I dozed off.


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