Gone with the Wind, to a Faraway Place

My plan to stay a healthy lifestyle by jogging on at least every Saturday evening did not sustain after two weeks of trying.

The route to my beautiful destination, Marina Barrage, was far too polluted by all the construction works. This discouraging fact, of course, was not the prime factor, but time was.

I loved girls-watching but I could control my eyes if anyone worthy wanted me to keep my eyes off them. This was one of the reasons I hesitated to go down to the Barrage again.

This day, I had exerted myself at the chin-up bars with Rachael, Amanda, Andy and Alvin, doing a maximum of twelve pulls with two fingers from each hand. I could have done better since I did not do any set on the day before. In the end, I almost failed to jerk my waist up to the top of the bar. When they requested me to do again, I knew I was helpless.

“Gone with the wind, to a faraway place, pushing my lungs further.”

Taking my sore throat and coughing lungs along, I made the move to have my jog again with my head a little spinning like as if I was going to run a fever soon. Somehow, my phone’s memory card gave me problems and I could not play mp3 on the way. My numbed body and brain allowed me to pace faster than before.

At the junction near the club house, I went straight and turned right to the Marina South Pier instead of turning left towards Marina Barrage. I took around 17 minutes from Singapore Conference Hall to reach my destination.

The stairs were crowded with smokers and cigarette butts were all around. It was different from months ago when I last went over. I did not rest for long before I proceeded home as the darkness was overwhelming the sky. I took another 19 minutes to go back.

Sweating out was good enough to relieve stress but not sadness.

I should not be jogging alone this evening.


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