Too Early for Farewell Dinner

On Friday morning, I was not sure what time to kick off my day since I was informed of an 8am relief duty days ago, however, the summary of the daily status did not include it. Nobody replied my email. For the benefit of doubt, I dragged my feet to work earlier than usual and it proved that my effort was worthwhile. My dear friend, Xiuzhen, went to school earlier and she killed my boredom by joining me in the class.

I took half day off in the afternoon and rested at home until the evening, leaving for the dinner with the colleagues. It was my virgin visit to 313 Somerset and I was stuck at the basement. The escalators from basement 2 to 3 were not in operation yet and I tried going down the stairs. After travelling down a flock of stairs, the light went off. I got the greatest shock of the year. The worst of all was the embarrassment that I had to conceal. Moving up the stairs slowly with the limited beams of light from the door kindly built with a small piece of glass, I was hoping nobody would be outside. Nevertheless, it was a wrong decision to proceed down, wasting my steps. I met two aunties on my way into the lift and they saved my day by exclaiming there was “Marche” restaurant and I looked at the label besides the button and realised it was on level 1.

Having dinner with the best bosses in the world was enjoyable; however, it was weird to have farewell dinner when I was not confirmed with my departure yet. The food was not to my liking although the ambience was nice. I heard jokes and stories, and I started envying everyone, for I had spent most of my time in front of the computers for more than ten years of my life. There was nothing much I could share, probably except for some sad love stories.

They wanted to go pubbing at Number 5 but it was too crowded. We proceeded to KPO where the filthy rich people went to and there was not even enough space for us to stand. Next, Jenne recommended us to Bar Stop where we shared the table together with her friends. It was a nice place and it would be my greatest fantasy to live in a place beautifully designed place in future. We were left with Weitat, Henry, Jenne, Joei and me.

We made our ways off at around midnight and I missed my last bus 167, having to walk home from Chinatown by taking bus 124.


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