Lao Yu Sheng

Last Friday, my gang and I went to “Bao Gong” at West Coast for lunch. It was quite a tight lunch for I had to rush back to campus for invigilation. Daniel’s moodiness was the main focus. We had “low hei” and followed by a few dishes to share.

I got back to campus to face my dread. I had never expected to be involved with such invigilation. Most of the students who attended the retest were people who tried to test the system. As usual, there were many stupid questions. Uploading the files to thumbdrive and FTP server were problematic due to the virus infection.

In the late afternoon, I stayed on to wait for Mingfa’s confirmation for volleyball. I was very tired but was willing to stay behind to enjoy the game after speaking to Mr Peh the night before about enjoying what we were doing. However, Mingfa’s reply dragged over 5pm and I felt so stupid to stay behind longer on a Friday evening when most of my colleagues were gone. I left after 5.30pm.


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