Finished SYOG “Letters” Consolidation Fast

[Monday, 1 March, 2010]

On Monday, I was refreshed since I had enough sleep during the weekends, even though I struggled till late hour the night before with my website. However, I started feeling the sharp pain on the joint at my right arm as well, making me a total handicap.

I started off my day by consolidating another set of SYOG “letters” for Joy, and transferring all the gathered ones into PowerPoint slides. I was quite amazed with my pace of work.

During lunch, I joined Mei Hoe and Dorothy at “dead end” where I had a plate of wantan noodle. Both of them had endless reflections as usual. Halfway through our lunch, Weitat called and I regretted not trying to contact him earlier despite we thought he was going to settle his lunch on his own.

I concentrated too much on my own work and forgot the time to knock off. Joy returned and I waited for her for quite a long time before she gave me a lift to the MRT station. Since it was already late and that my arms were still giving me problems, I dropped the idea of my jog to Marina Barrage.


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