[Wednesday, 31 March, 2010]
Early in the morning on this special day, I was thrown to recall about one good reason for me to leave – the extra worthless stupid shit. While trying hard to settle the remaining of the MTRC, I was being arrowed, together with Weitat, to the lab to do some checking. It reminded me of the past when I was too soft to reject, while everyone else tried to act deaf to the nuisance, ending up that I was the only person to help out in all the chores. By the end of these two years plus, I had already turned smarter by asking my boss of the work allocation. Since my boss spoke up to request me and Weitat to help out, I left the pile of documents on my table.
It was supposed to be random checking of five stations in each of the three labs for the installation of MS Office 2007, until the quality check had failed. It turned out that the vendor which took up the maintenance of the computers had earlier sent two interns over to do all the work; and instead of restoring the entire system before installing the new software, they simply did the easy way out. Many of the computers in the lab were having problems. That guy wanted us to screen through all the computers and note down the serial number of every failed system. I suggested that since the quality check had failed, we could just ask the company to send someone over to see, and make them double check all the computers, and after which, leaving all the MS office opened for us to check – he turned a deaf ear to my suggestion.
I was supposed to meet up with Faris together with Jingkun. While I was doing the shit, I tried to contact them as Indra rang me up as he wanted to join in as well. When I got back to the office, Jingkun told me he would be going out with Magdalene for lunch instead and I was very turned off for the last minute changes. Since it was no longer a meet-up of the “disciplinary team”, I asked the bosses along for a great gathering. When Faris was already on his way to the hawker centre, the two bosses were still busy inside the office and both Indra and I went down to the administration office to wait for them. After quite some time they arrived but there was a guy who came for course advising, which further delayed us. I was taken aback when I realised that they asked another colleague along. During the meet-up with Faris, I did not speak up much and there were some jokes that I was not very interested in.
Back to office, I started clearing up all the remaining mess. Weitat continued to help out in the checking of the computers even though boss had already stepped in to agree that it was not necessary to go through each and every one of them. I was quite worried for Weitat because he might be taken for granted by the same person who did it to me in the past if he did not reject the stupid craps earlier.
I felt quite embarrassed when Hasnah and Eunice passed me a little gift each because I did not prepare anything physically for them. Joy came back to the office and I shamefully told her I had not finished my farewell letter. In the late afternoon when the office was almost empty, she sent me to the Clementi MRT station. On the way, I was telling her that I had not felt anything yet and it was as though it was not my last day of work yet.
After reaching home, my younger brother’s friends came over soon. The house was messier than before since my younger brother was still packing his luggage for his student exchange trip to Germany. My aunt came over as well and I dozed off for around an hour before we set off. Since the luggage was big, we walked to the lift to squeeze with many working people. They were very disgusting for the lift was supposed to be taken by the needy or people who were carrying bulky items like us, and some of them who arrived later than us even fought to squeeze inside.
We waited for the second train since the first one was packed. My younger brother started to search for his camera’s cable and realised it was not inside his bag. Therefore, I made my way back home from Cityhall MRT to fetch it, which was actually left on my table. I took along my laptop and was glad to find a seat soon on the train to continue typing my farewell letter for my colleagues.
It took me quite some time to find Poppye after taking the Skytrain from Terminal 3 to Terminal 1. I had a feast with the ready-served food. My elder brother and his girlfriend had arrived long before me, and together with my younger brother’s friends, sitting together at the combined tables. My younger brother’s ex-girlfriend arrived next with all the university friends and I still found it very pity that they were not together anymore. I did not question him about it before.
When my younger brother went to check in his luggage, I went to the toilet after holding the shit since before I left my house, but to my disappointment as the toilet was not as nice as expected. While we were at the departure hall to take photos, my mum teared as expected.
My younger brother’s ex-girlfriend said she was going to Germany in a month’s time and told my mum to call her if we had anything to deliver to my younger brother. When she questioned about her number, my mum was at a loss and I had fun rubbing in before I explained to her that my mum’s phone was spoiled some months ago.
On the train, my mum hinted me badly to send my aunt home like usual, which my aunt did not like it. Then she suggested that she would send my aunt home instead and I found it stupid that my mum had to go home by herself after that in the darkness, and thus I followed. In the end, my mum decided to stay in my aunt’s house and thus, I took the opposite train home at Tiong Bahru.
It was not the day to grief and miss my colleagues for the departure of my younger brother was another big blow to my usual life, which I managed to get away from by working hard on the farewell letter. My head was heavy and I could not really think properly.