Busy Day turned Boring

[Monday, 28 June, 2010]

The copyrighting of the FAQ page for SmokeForWhat.com was done and it took longer than anyone could expect to put them nicely in place with all the keywords highlighted or hyperlinked.

I got so excited with the basic layout of SmokeForWhat.com up and I pushed the files to live immediately without testing it using other browsers, especially Internet Explorer.

Vanessa was the first person to test the live site after the changes and it looked totally disastrous in her Mac’s Safari. It reminded me of my mistake of not testing it in other browsers before uploading the files. I got her to do a refresh of the browser and it helped, and everything appeared as designed in Safari.

However, when I tested the site using Internet Explorer, the new implemented dropdown menu’s alignment went berserk. At 3am, it was the most horrifying thing to happen to a live site. Internet Explorer was a problematic internet browser for it did not strictly follow the W3C rules and thus, some pages might appear differently; and it came free with all Windows installation.

Luckily, I managed to fix, or rather, recode the dropdown menu within the next hour, such that it looked perfect for all browsers.

It was another day which I bathed really late.

I was woke up by shifu’s SMS but I went back to sleep at around noon. It was supposed to be an eventful day for Meihoe had organised badminton game in the new ITE CCK campus, which I was very excited in for I did not get to see the sports hall previously. However, she did not reply my SMS to confirm the game and Weitat told me that he did not see her for the entire day. I decided not to risk making a wasted trip down.

It was also Wanling’s off day and we were supposed to go out in the morning but she told me on Sunday that she had to accompany her mum for medical checkup in the early afternoon. After dropping her a message in the late afternoon, she replied that she could not make it anymore.

I spent quite some time on blogging and also playing with the yellow bird that my mum released from the cage.

It was a very slacking day for me after putting up the new design for SmokeForWhat.com. My effort in getting original pictures for the site to spice the boring words up went in vain.


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