Lucky Became Naughtier

[Monday, 20 September, 2010]

I spent some time on blogging. When I was about to go to sleep at 5am, Lucky peed on the floor again. I was so furious that I did not let him into the room to sleep with me for the first time.

I woke up at around 2pm. Finally I made my way down to the UOB bank for they wanted me to replace my UOB mini visa card and I wanted to change my signature to a more complicated one. I realised it was a separated procedure. It was quite a chore for the teller to get my signature changed. It was around 4pm and they had placed the “Closed” signboard at the door.

I concentrated on my new website after that.

Lucky pissed me off badly again by peeing on the floor when he already knew that he had to do it on the newspaper. I brought his cushion out of the room to show my determination of not sleeping with him again. After my brothers and I brought him down for a walk, he peed on the cushion.


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