68547070 Telemarketing Singapore Spam

Here you go, dear company of Singapore number 68547070. Thanks for waking me up and making me so sleepy throughout the day. I did not pick up your foreign talent staff’s call because I was expecting such call and I did not want to lose my temper.
I did a Google search for your number when I was fully up and I felt I was the smartest guy on Earth for I got it right. There were so many complaints about you online.
Let’s just wait for next year’s new law from IDA to be implemented and I will report you for sure if you continue to do such disgusting thing.
Let me highlight – NO, I’m not interested in any of your investment or insurance product. FULL STOP.
Note: I assume the caller is a foreign talent because most of these nuisance calls I have received are from either Indian or Pinoy so far.

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