The second day suffering alone was more withstandable than the previous day. I loved students who were appreciative. I had my lunch with Daniel and his students followed us. The fish and chips at Clementi’s Botak Jones was filling but the frozen fish did not taste very good.
Weitat gave me a ride to SIM again. While I was going up the escalator, I saw a familiar figure, and he banged the folder on his hands on the wall. It had been ages since I last saw my army buddy, Firman. I accompanied him for his dinner instead of setting up my laptop at one of the study tables. I was quite envious of him, being able to purchase a HDB flat together with his mum.
After meeting up with Yuanle and Soon Siong for dinner, we tried to finish the tutorial fast. Soon Siong and I left the lab quite early again, while others stayed behind to do their project discussion.