
梦里的你相似现实,似乎萍水相逢、视而不见。就在我努力的坚持中,我看到了自己的脆弱与无能。我看清了自己,我接受了失败。 眼前折腾着的我即使对你念念不忘,还是一个毫不起眼的路人甲。 我眼中的无奈说出了多年来的憔悴、牵挂、自残。 让我睡个好梦,一直到末日。就算是千年以后,我醒来而发现你从不属于我,至少我曾有个虚幻的幸福。 Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com

Finding Song

你是我的 演唱:苏有朋 电视剧《刁蛮公主》片尾曲 你是贪玩的孩子 偶尔任性 偶尔放肆 每当你安静的数着手指有谁知道你心里的事 我是等你的男子 我很肯定 也很坚持 爱你是需要特别的方式 哪怕要和世界对峙 但总有一天你会是我的 不管过程到底多曲折 你迟疑逃避 我却从不会放弃 心痛你为爱受着每寸折磨相信有一天你会是我的 不管对手到底有几个 你能自由来和去 我都等你在原地 Anyone has the MP3 file by chance? Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com

新醉打金枝 DVD

There are not many good things that happened recently, at least none that I can remember. Until Wednesday, my younger brother bought the DVD for “新醉打金枝”. Both of us like watching it. The storyline goes well and it is tremendously entertaining with all the humours. I have missed six episodes consecutively for my reservist and …


Recently, I have been engrossing with this “new” show on channel 8 called “新醉打金枝” (Túy đả kim chi), shown on every Monday to Wednesday, at 1030h. It is actually an old China show filmed three years ago and sadly, Mediacorp only releases it now. This forty episodes series show is a comedy with very cute …

Yu Dan’s Confucian theory (于丹论语心得)

Recently, I have been catching the lecture room show “百家讲坛” on Channel U called “于丹论语心得”, which means Yu Dan’s Confucian theory. For two thousands years, Confucian theory has been the mainstream school of thought among people in East Asia, such as China, Japan, and South Korea. It teaches us the most basic of life. Professor …


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF7fbQdBoYw Description: This singer remixed the national anthem and sang a song called ‘Negarakuku’ about polis corruption, racial preferential treatment, government inefficiency in Malaysia, and chinese school graduates barred from entering government universities. Now the government is suing him for “shaming the country and national anthem”. My Malaysian colleague, Jacqueline, introduced this video to me …

演唱:车仁表 这是梦吧 这是在做梦吧 黑暗之中 我曾找寻过你的手 白烟迷朦笼罩着我 我最爱你人找不到 原来这一切 只是个梦 我们是否还能够相遇 我想你什么都明白 留下的只是伤心的感慨 淡淡得离开我吧 别再回来吧 就算我真的流泪 就算我真的后悔 请告诉我 只是个梦 如果握着你的手 一定会伤得更痛 请告诉我 只是个梦 轻轻走吧 找寻一个可以能让你幸福的地方 The song of 四大名捕, the channel 8 show on Monday and Tuesday nights, released on year 2004. I love this Chinese song for the lyrics and rhythm but I cannot find …