The smiles of heaven; the cheerfulness of the morning sunshine; the beauty from the heart. When all the ugly periods are over, the light shows the path to the paradise – take it and we seek for our happiness together. Whilst we turn back and look at the unpleasant past, we begin to cherish what …
Tag Archives: decision
Wrong Decision Certainly
It was one of the worst days ever even though I was expecting the opposite. Perhaps, I should not have hold on too tight to my principles and not expect for perfection. Nevertheless, it proved well again that I had made a wrong decision. “You can make money but you may not have the life …
The Lost Battle Again
I had one of the nicest lunches ever. However, work was tearing me apart once again. The last minute things foiled my plan and got me wearier than ever. I started to panic to recall all the past loads that almost crashed me completely, to realise that I might have made a terrible decision again. …
Beyond my Capability yet Against my Principle
Those people are killing themselves and wrecking other people’s lives, and yet I cannot do anything. Kill one to silence hundred – but I cannot strike at all. I should have left. Skai Chan @ .
It is pathetic of me that I still cannot make up my mind. Money, time and tolerance have a fierce battle inside my brain. Somehow, all the cute people have big impact on my decision as well. I’m also facing this dilemma that I want to spend more time to prove to others about my …
Within a few days, some major decisions have to be made. One is too much for me. I can only be creative and clear when I have enough sleep, or rather, when I am not extremely lack of sleep. Skai Chan @ .
Here and There, Stuck
The plan is still uncertain. I’m being indecisive again. We wanted to leave earlier for the murdered enthusiasm but somehow on Monday, things turned out quite dramatic. Loyalty was involved. A month ago, the email was of a different tone. Higher managements could never see things as clear as the staffs facing the problems directly. …