Kailin’s so sweet that she brought her CDs during the previous beach outing. It had been a few weeks or months since I posted at her blog site that I wanted it; I had long forgotten about it.
“雪狼湖” is so far the one and only one musical concert that I’m interested in. Of course, not to the extend that I’d pay for the high ticket price. If only I can make a breakthrough out of my life and able to live a “classy” type of life, I’ll be able to fork out the money; that’s if Jacky Cheung is still doing the concert. Anyway, I’m not so classic type of person.
Anyway, she even put in the latest Jay Chou’s album “11月的萧邦” with the two CDs. So many people must be damn jealous of me right now, but actually I’m not even a Jay Chou fan, other than an admirer to some of his songs.
However, I’m quite disappointed with the “雪狼湖” CD; sound alone can’t fulfil my desire. I assume, imagine and swear that the concert itself with the acting of the story plot and sound system will be so much better that it will definitely put me in daze.
Kailin is really so sweet that I’ve to repeat again and again, to praise her or even idolise her. It’s going to be so troublesome for me to bring any CD to lend anyone and with the fear of having them being damaged or lost somehow (Yes it used to happen so often in the past to my backup files’ CDs).
She’s sweet, but not into the prospect of helping me capture images of babes in the beach; and I miss Jasmin’s presence to help me do the job.