Saturdays are important

I do treasure my weekends more than any other days since they are the days most of my friends are free.

I have totally forgotten who has asked to go out for this Saturday since a week ago and I told him I should be free. So, it is no longer important since that friend probably has forgotten it like me.

However, there is invitation to karaoke with my colleagues and Huiqin wants to go beach as well on this Saturday. Just before I can decide how to handle this problem to make sure I can attend both, a Saturday booking in shit work purges the problem.

Since the last time I went back camp on a Saturday was two months ago, it is kind of my turn this time to go back to entertain workers to fix all the new garbage rooms and furniture.

Low budget certainly means high maintenance rate – this is one of the most important lessons I have ever learnt over the past year because some organisation always loves to get cheapo stuffs so that the staffs can waste their time to fix the faulty stuffs up; it somehow helps economic grow and increases job opportunities.

Though not everything is fair and some people can escape all Saturday duties, I think I should contribute and burn this Saturday for the new start.

Chen De promises me two off-days for this hectic Saturday but I rather not waste this precious day. I have accumulated enough off-days, which I cannot bring all to during clear leave’s period and now I have to try to use some of them.

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