A simple Sunday

[Sunday, 02 July, 2006]

Having breakfast together with my family at the Amoy Street food centre was a history. Every of us missed the “Lor Mee” stall a lot but we were rarely free to go there together. Each of us was busy with our own commitments.

When my dad was still around, my brothers and I would take the plain noodle, and my elder brother would usually take two bowls. The gravy was nice of course such that even without any meat it tasted splendid.

This time round, my elder brother’s girlfriend joined us. It was a relaxing noon with some jokes around. Everything was great except Vivi was not around.

I set off for volleyball at BMCC. It was not so fun anymore with too many people around, having less chance to touch the balls. Wilson and Mingen’s presence was a surprise.

After which was the trip to Queensway with Jamie and Weitat, whereas the rest had either left earlier or gone for mahjong game. We stopped by the petrol station first before setting off. We did not spend a lot of time at the shopping centre but to leave for dinner at the hawker centre nearby.

It was a simple yet relaxing day.

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