[Sunday, 16 July, 2006]
The bunch at Chin Swee Road was a special experience for me as I did not join my family to dine in a restaurant the previous time. This time we went to a restaurant at the level seven, entering by the kitchen. It did not look high class at all even at the front door.
It was not and never my idea to walk so long and then having to spend so much time to wait for our turn. I wanted to ask them to go elsewhere to eat while we were behind the queue but it would definitely defeat the purpose of the trip.
People were complaining about the time taken and that they actually allowed customers at the back of the queue to go first even though the group was larger in size. So, even the tables and chairs were similar and they had many spares ones, they sat customers in by the exact numbers of chairs by each table, which the number varied.
I lost track of the time we waited. Until we were led to the table the cleaner was clearing it. It was after some time when nobody attended to us in front of the ugly table; we grabbed one of the table cloths by the side and dressed up the table ourselves.
Soon, the higher rank guy came to make special order but we only wanted to eat dim sum but still ordered two bowls of egg porridge which we could not even get to smell it. Following were the aunties pushing trolleys around to advertise for their food. We grabbed ten over plates of them and the tastes were not really to my likings.
When all stomachs were almost filled, we waited for lobsters to end our day but despite dispatching my two brothers to comb the whole place, we could not find any aunty push our desire anywhere, except for dessert.
As we collected the bill receipt of eighty eight dollars, I saw the GST and service charge, amazed that we had to pay service charge for nothing except the smiles of only a few of the aunties.
I guessed I was not the type who knew how to enjoy good food, or maybe the food was not that fantastic after all. It was just a waste of money for the day even though my elder brother was the one footing the bill; he could have spent the money to buy tonic for my mum.