[Tuesday, 08 August, 2006]
Finally it came my last working day. Things did not turn out as what I expected again.
Morning was HLS run, followed by breakfast, preparation at theatrette, lunch, clearing of credits in E-mart and then preparation for the National Day parade; there was simply no time to visit my friends and bid them farewell.
The big shots had a crap decision before the parade to change the rostrum. I was absent from the mishap the previous time and did not notice about the top of the new rostrum, which microphones could not be fitted. It was an unhappy parade again, partly due to my lack of knowledge about the labelling of the CDs.
It was a very rush day and I could not feel the relaxation of a clearing leave personnel; others would have been walking around to greet their friends and also signing the clearance forms. I only managed to tell 1Wo Twang, CPT Phua and Mdm Mila it was my last day.