[Tuesday, 15 August, 2006]
The application form for the CS tournament was finally submitted. Therefore, I would be going back to camp on this coming Thursday.
I woke up in the morning to see Ivan’s message on my tagboard, announcing the change of date for the tournament. I was very pleased since Gilbert was still around as he would be leaving for holidays at Thailand on Friday, and would definitely miss the game.
Immediately, I called Gilbert and tried to get the team organised and confirmed our members of Ah Boon, Louis and Edgar. I guessed I was the lousiest among the five of us.
Anyway, since we could not use IRBSUX, Ivan suggested XUSBRI instead but was rejected due to the high risk. In the end, they came out with KLEGG using our initials – Kailun, Louis, Edgar, Gilbert, and Ghim Boon.
Within seconds of hearing the team name, I realised they were trying to be sarcastic to me as well – KL EGG. I was not an egg!
I hoped the people who caused my main intention to take part in this tournament would participate as well. The battle would soon begin…