Beware of borrowing library books

[Wednesday, 27 September, 2006]

I borrowed two books from Woodlands library more than a month ago and managed to renew them at Bukit Merah library. The latest expiry date was on 27th September, 2006.

But since I just took an operation and was not able to travel long distance, especially to take bus, I had anticipated about the problem.

I surfed the internet for the web address of the library and saw this function which I could renew the books. I also realised renewing them required $0.50 each, which I did not notice at the machine at Bukit Merah library previously. I decided to renew the books again on the day of expiry, despite spending another dollar.

On the day itself I saw to my terror when the website did not seem to be able to accept the command. I called the number given on the same page and it was interesting, except that I took quite some time to get to talk to the operator. She told me I was not allowed to renew the books the second time. I explained about my difficulties in walking but she claimed that I could get someone to return the books for me. I was stunned at the moment and since it was pointless to talk on to seek pardon, I thanked the lady before putting down the phone.

The small fine was affordable but I was not satisfied that that web page did not include the importance of unable to renew the book the second time, which had led to the fine. It kind of tarnished my reputation for returning books late.

My saviour Kaelyn Ang, previously Pauline Ang, came for a home visit for my injury. We had a very long chat while my leg and back were in pains. In the end, she left with my two heavy books to return to the library for me. I supposed I would get a day of fine then. Luckily the books could be returned to any library and not the original one.

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