Registered for Work and Dinner with Rice

[Friday, 10 November, 2006]

I finally went to meet Francis with Mingfa at Bukit Merah. We registered at the company and I really hoped this would not be a wrong path.

Then, I went to Bras Basah to meet Jenrice who surprisingly got there earlier than me. however, the second hand bookshops were closed until 2.30pm. we went to Marina Square’s Subway to join up with her three friends and I started trying out her Economics past years’ paper and realised it was really tough.

My precious PHP book!

I went back to Bras Basah after 3pm and found a PHP book. The tender quoted me a price of $18 for that year 2001 published book and finally reduced it to $16 when I told him I would consider first.

Maybe it was a wrong move to go back to join the A level students; I was so tired and lack of time that I really should go home straight. I got a pizza bread from Bread Talk at Citylink and started reading up the book upon reaching the destination.

It was a long stay there. I was very impressed by them because they spent quite a lot of time chatting fancy their papers were already so near; they managed to remain so calm and seemed to have one their revision so well.

The girl over the next table looked quite good but her thighs were so big, which was a big turn off.

I saw someone looking like Cher Fong outside but when I wanted to try to check him out, he left. Then, I saw Lynn with the previous guy and confirmed Cher Fong was there earlier.

Jenrice advertising for Subway!

At around eight, we left the quiet restaurant. I was too late to cancel my dinner order but my mum said she would finish it for me. We went to draw money inside Marina Square before going to Thai Express at Citylink for dinner.

I ordered a chicken noodle kind of food and it was not very special. Then, we camped there to chat for very long and finished up so many cups of their ice water. Even though they were talking about their school people and more than fifty per cent of the stuffs drew me away from the conversation, some stories were very funny.

It was not a perfect trip after all. None of them knew what was happening to my phone since the afternoon when I was giving Vivi the methods to get to East Coast Park for her class barbecue. I even called Ruoci to confirm about it and she took three hours to get there from Boonlay.

She was blaming me over the phone when she herself was late in the first place and the timing she assumed she could get over from West to East of Singapore was absurd. The traffic jam made everything worse.

She took MRT from Boonlay to Clementi and transferred to bus 196 and I warned her it would take at least 1.5 hours. However, she switched to MRT at Outram Park and waited for cab at Payar Lebar, which took so long.

While she was waiting for the cabs, she asked me what she should do and the answer was obvious that she could only continue to wait unless her dad could go down and fetch her; it was obvious I could not do anything if the cabs did not go over there.

I felt so lost. I could not stand people asking me for my location again on the phone when I had just messaged her the answer; having to repeat so many times made me feel dumb to say anything. It was a big turn off and often it forced me to stay silence instead. I always had good patience but not when the same person gave the same problem numerous times.

I hated being taken for granted and not being appreciated.

How long more can I take it?

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