Setting Off For Chalet

[Friday, 03 November, 2006]

My mum arrived home late after work. We started preparing the food very early in the morning. Since we could not get chicken breast meat, the replacements, chicken legs, were much tougher to handle. My mum had to chop off the yellowish parts, which was the vein or muscle and it was very tedious job; she also sliced each piece small and thin so that it was faster to barbecue. Next were chicken wings, which she chopped them into two pieces for the same purpose.

After washing up the big pail, I helped her to spilt the chicken wings such that they were easier to be chopped. Later on, I also contributed in marinating the chickens. My mum was asking me to go to sleep first but it was just too unfilial to do it when she was staying up just to help me settle the stuffs.

It was the first time I handled uncooked chicken and marinated them. I went to bed at 6am in the morning, whereas my mum should be sleeping a while later.

I was waked up at ten by Tze Khit who suddenly told me he was able to get his dad’s car; I jumped out of the bed in delights.

The initial plan was to go by cab as all car owners were not free. I had entrusted the help of Xiangxin (XX Liang) and together with my mum, we were going to carry everything. I was not very sure if we could manage to do it because my mum was weak and my left leg had not recovered fully.

My beloved Xiangxin arrived at TG Pagar MRT and I brought him over to see my messy house. He was browsing through my computer and luckily he could not find my porn videos.

Later on, Tze Khit was smart enough to find my house. He drove over straight from Nanyang Polytechnic after school and came specially to pick us up in his illness. He alone could carry at least two persons’ loads and thus we managed to bring everything down at one shot.

I guided him to ECP even though he could have done it by himself somehow. The street directory in his car was very old version and it was difficult to navigate around with all the new buildings in Singapore since ten years ago. However, we managed to find our way to my mum’s friend’s house and pass the food to her.

Checking in to the resort was problematic. The system to insert cash card was quite far away from the road and luckily Tze Khit’s hand was long enough after stretching out from the windows; I saw other visitors having to go out of the cars or at least reverse and stop the cars nearer.

I went to check in first while Tze Khit, XX Liang and my mum moved the stuffs to the door of my chalet unit. Then, a big problem aroused when the attendant claimed that I could not use my mum’s NTUC membership card but luckily my mum was around and I got her over to transfer the ownership of the chalet to her. We spent quite some time at the lobby’s counter.

Tze Khit went home straight without any delay, whereas Xiangxin stayed to entertain us. Both of them were great friends of mine.

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