Tour around TPY and My Missed Opportunity

[Thursday, 22 February, 2007]

The boring routine of blogging and updating of website continued till late. Jolee called me in the morning to ask me to join her at Toa Payoh so that she could give me some guidance. At first I thought 12.30pm was a nice timing but I accepted her suggestion to meet at 1pm instead. Suddenly I looked into my phone and remembered the clock’s batteries had died and it was already near 12pm.

I realized my mum had bought breakfast for me and I quickly took a few bites before packing it up and put into my bag. I was quite impressed that I managed to get there before 1pm but she was late. After meeting up, she told me to go to the food court to finish my food while she went to the toilet. However, I felt uncomfortable with my stomach and went to the toilet nearest to the food court instead. It was one of the most pathetic toilets I had ever visited with cockroaches running about.

We went straight to ERA instead to meet her co-broke agent and were shown around. True enough, the place was much better than my company. Then, she showed me to DTZ, followed by PropNex. Therefore, this afternoon I finally got to know the location of the companies around Toa Payoh. While waiting for some documents to be done, I sat outside the HDB Hub and finished off the cold fried noodle bought by my mum.

When everything was done, we set off for our office. We took train to Tiong Bahru and transited to bus 16 to the interchange. Right after coming out from the lift, I saw the two polytechnic attachment girls. Jolee went to the toilet and told me to go inside first. The sweet girl opened the door and held it for me as she politely asked if I wanted to go in. That was the first time I ever talked to her but it definitely made me feel more like going to the office.

I went to find Louis for the block 219 keys immediately and had a little chat with him. I realized he used to study in real estate and therefore needed not even take the CEHA course to be qualified as an agent. That was so cool.

After coming out, I saw Jenny. Jolee and Winnie were besides her to settle some documents. I stayed at the office until around 6pm and was surprised to hear from Suimin. She wanted to meet me out because she was bored and this was one of the stupid days which I had to miss out good opportunity to take photos with babe.

I walked to Redhill MRT and then took the train to Ang Mo Kio. I took the underpass for the first time towards Ang Mo Kio Hub and then went straight to block 219. I was so early again. The agent, Lester, came late but his clients were worse. We began chatting and I realized he had only worked for less than two years. He was a nice guy and later on, we entertained his buyers together. I was not sure of the chance of success though. Suddenly I realised I was so muddle-minded to tell the earlier buyers the MacDonald’s operating hours was twenty-four hours. I quickly messaged Lester to inform them of my mistake.

Back to the journey towards Ang Mo Kio MRT, I took a little walk around the Ang Mo Kio Hub again for I realized there were some shops opening on the second level already. I saw naked models in many shops, but too bad they were not humans. There were a number of empty shops and I wondered if company had booked them. I started dozing off on the train afterwards.

Dinner was great for the simplicity. My mum had finally cooked and they tasted quite good.

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