First Lousy Friendly Match

[Thursday, 05 April, 2007]

I worked till after 7am once again and waked up at around 1pm. I actually dreamt of some close friends and the Chicken-tortoise.

Worked occupied the entire afternoon with some short naps in between, until I suddenly realised evening was falling and I was running late. I quickly packed up and left home for Singapore Polytechnic that I even brought the wrong pair of shoes along.

I failed to squeeze into the first approaching train but managed to learn to be a pancake into the next arrival one. Jingkun and Mingfa were waiting for me at Dover ITE. Afterwards, Junyang joined us. Mingfa waited there for Weitat and Jianhao while the three of us went to the hall. We proceeded to find some food and as we were going back to the hall, a girl asked Jingkun about some team members as she thought Jingkun was one of the freshies there, taking part in the orientation camp.

Junyang, Jingkun and I sat by a corner and stoned there while waiting for the rest to arrive. Wilson got there last. It was actually meant to be a day for me to spike for my taking off had improved tremendously that I was able to hang in the air for longer time, except that I did not use much force on my wrist.

However, I started off playing as libero and actually I felt really embarrassing for the SP girls were around as well; a libero with lousy digging skill suited to stay outside the court instead. We played totally like shit. Digging was poor and Mingfa did badly as well for he was lack of sleep and could not concentrate due to the problem with Meijun. The rest of the spikers did much worse than usual and blocking was terrible. We lost badly in the first round.

The problem with us was that we played too much with those old people and thus, our skill had rusted so much. The SP players were young and energetic, tall and also had been training regularly. Moreover, we were not used to receive their floating serve.

I was moody throughout for I did badly. There were some criticisms which seemed to be unfair to me as well for the blocking part was full of holes that I did not know where to cover; and such that when the opponents spike the ball away from me and I had to dive by my side, but did badly. It was really irritating to have team-mates pointing at me in front of so many people. I supposed the feeling was worse than your team-mates trying to make everyone think you did not know how to spike when you were playing as a spiker; there were more than one spiker and yet only one libero, who should be the best in digging.

We only got to win the last game. At least, we got to know our standard.

Dinner was at Clementi but this time, the chicken chop was not as good as before. The sauces looked not fresh and the meat was covered with fats. After dinner, Jianhao sent me home.

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