Hoax Alert! – Mangosteen Saviour

Recently there are circulations of flyers going around, boasting how eating mangosteen can retrieve life. Do you think such moron will exist in Singapore, going around wasting money and time just to tell people eating mangosteen will save your life like curing strokes?

At first instant, I knew someone was trying something funny; it was simply business tactic.

A second flyer reveals the businessman’s cunningness, proving my analysis correct. The advertising of the company is well planned and the culprit shows a brilliant talent but I’m never impressed.

The flow chart of the scheme is of following:
1. Purchasing or ordering of large quantity of product
2. Spread news of how the product can improve health
3. Spread news of your company selling the product

My neighbour has bought a bottle of mangosteen juice for eighty dollars. This amount of money matters a lot to a pair of old couple and average Singaporean would certainly need to work two days for it. I can survive for two weeks with the eighty bucks.

If it appears on the news that scientists have announced the miracle of taking mangosteen, I would probably believe it.

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