Takeaway for Them

[Saturday, 19 May, 2007]

While I was trying out the MindSoft Utilities XP software, Ying Ying messaged me and told me she could go for the beach outing sine her class gathering was decided to be on the day itself and not the next day. I almost wanted to worship her for being so sporting and friendly until she told me the condition the next day that she would go only if my dear sister was going and it was a sudden twist, turning me so off.

Anyway, I was having this itchy hand that I clicked on the Internet Optimizer, which resulted that my MSN could not be logged in after restart. There was internet connection and that the browsers were working fine. I did a number of trial and errors on the setting but none work. In the end, I had no choice but to reinstall my MSN, which actually worked.

My mum and elder brother wanted to take supper at the nearby coffee shop. I called Quek Quek to check out how he was getting on. He seemed to be drunk already and he asked who I was when I was using my mobile phone, and he promised to call me back, which he did not. I had two plain roti prata despite the fact that I was having flu and sore throat. I continued to work after reaching home, nodded in front of the screen a couple of times before going to sleep at 4am.

I managed to wake up before noon. Xiangxin messaged me in MSN and told me he had a friend asking him to approach me to help her find a flat in Ang Mo Kio. If I had not found a full time job, I would have gone all the way to help her since she was so kind to approach me and that Xiangxin’s friends should be of a certain standard – good people. It got me quite frustrated. I continued to blog and update my websites the entire afternoon.

I left for Clementi at 6pm and went to the hawker centre to help my volleyball team-mates get their food. There was some hesitation and finally they wanted a packet of carrot cake and three packets of chicken cutlet, but they increased one more share in the end. I had to stand near the western food stall in case my order was ready and the oily smoke from the satay stall besides it irritated me. Basically, I was lazy to even buy food for myself and it took me a lot of patience to run the errand for them. I hated the oily smell on my shirt and body, especially the hair. They could have sent someone who was driving to come over to get the food or even pick me up but I had to walk over from the central to Clementi ITE. I told my subconscious to remain calm during the long wait for the food would certainly brighten my buddies’ evening.

The nose block and itchiness on the throat irritated me throughout the evening. When I first got there, the mixture of Mingfa’s students were playing their last match. Weilun came over after that and started talking non-stop to me when I was not in the mood to hear any irrelevant stuff. I was still lack of sleep somehow and my condition was poor. I seemed to be taking off in a drunkard’s style during free spike. I played as libero throughout all the four matches and did a reasonable job. There was fun and laughers throughout and all of us did enjoy the night.

Suimin called me just when I was about to bathe. It had been so long since I last heard from her and I was quite disappointed that she was looking for me just for the sake of her PhotoShop again. I had burnt one CD for her soon after she requested for it but she did not seem to be interested to get it from me and thus I had already given it to Tiffany and Mingen. It turned out that she would rather buy it on her own and waste my efforts.

Porn star

We had fun inside the toilet. Weilun was crapping as usual and sounded rude to Mingfa. I started taking out my phone to take photos of him inside the cubicle but everyone was so enthusiastic that they took over from me. We had three camera phones in the end but did not do a satisfying job. Wilson was holding my phone in the end and when Weilun splashed water at him, he shouted as if Weilun was the one taking photos and all of us burst into laughers once again. Weilun remained calm afterwards and did not ask us to delete the photos.

Mingfa, Tony and I took Wilson’s car to the coffee shop. Weitat insisted to not take the car even though he was using adult ez-link card so that he could accompany Junyang. He was stubborn as usual and thus we could not change his mind to not waste the transportation money on the bus.

Since the four of us reached earlier than the rest, I called them to take an order first since we had to wait for the food. Weitat told me to get him one plate of chicken cutlet but he claimed that he had told me he wanted to get chicken chop. I tried to change the order but the auntie did not allow, but Mingfa kindly offered to order a plate of chicken chop and that he would take the chicken cutlet.

I had fish and chips for chicken chop and half spring chicken would probably worsen my throat’s condition. The inner meat was soft and nice but somehow, the fish could be smashed easily and thus not very easy to be eaten. After that, Junyang, Weitat, Mingfa and I went to the 7-11 store because Weitat wanted to get a prepaid card. We spent quite some time over there before Weitat “sent me home” because he was meeting his friend at Cityhall MRT.

I did not switch off the flash function and since the distance was too far away, it became blurry. Besides, since I had already “beaten the grass and alarmed the snake”, I did not want to risk taking another shot.

There was an attention-seeker playing his music very loud. I tried to take a photo of this inconsiderate asshole but forgot to switch the flash off. Since there were quite a number of passengers around, I felt embarrassed but luckily the asshole did not realise I was taking his photo from far.

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