Meijun dropped me a bomb in MSN in the early morning to help her print her resume out. Since my younger brother was asleep, I would ask him to log into his computer to use his printer for the job when he was awaken; or otherwise, I would go to the office early to do it but it would be a black-and-white printout instead.
I woke up at seven AM and lazed on the bed and before eight, I woke up to realise the fact that my younger brother was already gone. I quickly made a call to him and he told me the password to his laptop. Meijun was lucky that my younger brother did not bring his laptop to school and that he did not set the laptop to force thumbprint identification.
Lunch was set on Tiong Bahru market on a last minute decision. We made two extra touring and I got so confused and was so ashamed since I stayed quite near. Luckily, both of them managed to find the way.
Of all food, I chose chicken chop again but this time round it was the hot plate style. It actually came with a soup at the price of five bucks, but the latter was not of a pleasant taste. The chicken was not very cooked at first but it seemed like the long lasting heat of the plate had continued to cook the meat while it was on my table.
Weitat and Jingkun decided to go for a haircut at IMM after that. I took a toilet break while waiting for them and finally, went up to Daiso to fish for cheap goodies. However, it was not long before they called me to tell me that they were ready to set off and I could not get anything.
Both of them decided to go for hair washing near Jingkun’s house. I probably should tell them to drop me back to office to continue with my stuffs first since I did not accomplish much things in the morning.
In the late afternoon, Jingkun left to pick his girlfriend up. I decided to join Weitat at Vivocity since I was totally in no mood to do anything after being drained during idling earlier on. In fact, it seemed very stupid since dinner was already near and we had to get back to Clementi to meet up with the rest soon.
Knowing that it was pointless to stop Weitat from spending money, I kept quiet to avoid irritating him. I had a tough time struggling to keep myself conscious.
I had a short moment of luck and happiness during the trip.
Jingkun met us up later and we continued a short walk around before departing the place. I took Jingkun’s car to join the rest while Weitat went to fetch Mingli. Upon landing at the same expressway the second time, I woke up my half asleep brain to help lookout for the tiny entrance to the Sakura at Clementi Woods.
We met up with Weitat and Mingli at the car park. Most of them arrived soon and without further ado, we proceeded to start the feast while waiting for the rest. I was quite guilty when I heard from Jingkun that the budget set for the department dinner actually did not include temporary staffs and our bosses shared the cost to foot the bill. I had a great time stuffing the food into my stomach, and leaving my stomach empty for two bowls of ice-cream in the end. This opportunity allowed us to interact more with some colleagues.
Since my camera was inside Weitat’s car boot, the effort that I used to charge the batteries the night before had gone into waste.
At the end of the dinner, Jingkun sent me home.