New Samsung LCD 19 inch Monitor

I did not go down to beach on Sunday with Peh since I already had two days of volleyball before that. The final decision to not be involved was because of the last day of Comex at Suntec City.

My wish to get a LCD monitor drew near.

I got myself the new computer more than a year ago with my earning from the internet but fund was insufficient for a full system – I went without a new monitor since the bulky Phillips was still within expected performance.

Over the year, I started to realise the essential of a new LCD monitor.
– Saving of electricity
– Better comfort to the eyes
– A better resolution for more detailed design work
– A wider screen for Photoshop work

My younger brother accompanied me down to the Suntec City Conventional Hall. The Human Race organised by Singtel together with the big electronic fair halted the flow of traffic nearby and we were trapped inside bus 197 since Fullerton hotel.

We conquered the entire exhibition area and finally reduced the range of brands to choose from – Samsung and LG. Acer’s monitors were cheaper but the resolution was not any better – we mainly made comparison using a stated ratio. In the end, I chose Samsung 19′ inches monitor despite it was twenty bucks more expensive than the LG’s one. I did not expect to get such a big monitor at first but was glad over my final decision based on space and price differences.

It was one of my most difficult days with my stomach stitched again due to the late meal; it had been since after ORD that I was having this problem that I could not walk for long distance after having my meal. I struggled on since my younger brother wanted to look around for goodies.

We made a stop at the second floor at the area where Samsung dominated, sitting by the side of a wall at a quiet hall. Fifteen minutes later, I decided on my LCD monitor and made a purchase there and to realise that we had to go up to the fourth level to collect the freebies. At the payment counter, I received a shock when my “limit” for the NETS was over and luckily my younger brother was around.

It was a difficult task to cut through the crowd while pulling the given trolley for there were many brainless or blind people who almost tripped over it despite I had tried to be so careful with my “luggage”.

We took bus 196 home. I transferred the most of the remaining money of my brother’s purchase for his laptop to him and my new baby was the exchange of gift.

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