On Thursday, I woke up restlessly even though I slept right after midnight. Meihoe pointed out that my face looked sick recently and I was not sure what was wrong as well.
I thought I could spend the entire day to do my tasked design work but it turned out that my plan failed again. The worst thing was my self-initiative to help George to split the workload since we were working together.
In the afternoon, I played badminton again together with Jingkun, Weitat, Dorothy and Mr Baey. It turned out to be good game. The diving and laughers cleared away all the troubles.
Since the bus-stop next to Clementi MRT was quite crowded, I told Jingkun to put me at somewhere where there was bus 196. He drove to the carpark behind the newly opened West Coast Shopping Centre and I crossed the long bridge to the bus-stop outside NUS high school. It was an irritating journey. There were five Malays at the back of the double decker bus playing loud Malay music and from the reflection on the glass, I saw that the teenage boy was chewing on titbits. All I could think was the group of them would definitely be pests of ITE in future, or perhaps, they might probably stop their education after N levels.