Spring Cleaning

Last Saturday was a day meant for resting after the tiring week. Time could be spent more efficiently if not for the festival mood.

My mum was complaining about having headaches when she stupidly worked long hours in the early mornings for her boss. Nobody saw a point why she should be working for the pathetic pay; it was abuse of workers and sadly, dumb people still existed.

The defrosting of the small fridge in the living room took me some time. Nevertheless, my uncountable times of telling my mum the huge energy consumption of fridge was adding burden to the electricity bill every month remained useless. It was not as if my family was big and that we had no choice over it; if only my mum would throw away all the long expired food inside the big fridge.

I did a little packing of the house and finally got to clean the toilet’s walls after years. It was an exhausting job to reach the corners and all the wiping drained off my energy and before long, my backache started again.

Playing Condition Zero was a release of pressure for the past few weeks. My elder brother joined in the fun and we played a couple of games.

I was anticipating that my gang would ring me up but they did not, until a few hours later in the early morning. It was around one AM and I shown them the way to Chinatown. We did not comb the entire pasar malam but to travel in one direction. The scenery was very good with hot stylish girls walking around.

After reaching home, Irwin suggested going out and he drove down to fetch me to West Cast Park MacDonald’s’ where we had our late supper. We chatted till before sunrise and he sent me home.


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