Lunch at Singapore Polytechnic

Monday’s lunch was at Singapore Polytechnic with Jingkun, Mei Hoe and Vivien. Jingkun made a turn into the wrong carpark and we proceeded to the next one. However, we realised we had to walk to the next carpark in order to get to the canteen that he wanted to go to.

I took the Japanese food, which did not really taste like Japanese food, but was quite okay to my tongue. I continued my struggle in the afternoon for my work and eventually left office with Mei Hoe. She went to get some stuff and thus I took the train by myself. There were two girls boarding the train after me and one of them almost killed me with her clean looks, and moreover, she was wearing tight-fitting sleeveless black top. However, I was concentrating more on my book.

After reaching home, I received a call at my house’s phone. The person did not sound like local and he claimed that someone had called him. He assumed I was his friend, playing a prank on him. He sounded like a nuisance somehow. After putting down the phone, I checked his number, and it was actually very similar to mine.

I wanted to go for a jog but laziness got all over me.

Finally, I got to update my main website again to include the love stories. It also took me hours to upload the photos taken at Macritchie Reservoir as it always showed me error message after uploading was almost done, or rather, should be already completed.


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