MSN Bug and Email Testing

[Saturday, 10 July, 2010]

I finally played my childhood game – Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3 – again. I was quite lazy though and delegated all my provinces to my officers so that they could kiss my neighbours by their own. Somehow, the AI could not take down the enemies swiftly like me. It was a long game and I certainly had selected the wrong boring era to start off.

My brother and his girlfriend left for Malacca in the morning and I went to bed near 8am.

In the afternoon, I spent lots of time trying out emails. I created an email using my domain name and wondered if I should start changing my email for MSN since the current one was giving problems. MSN was having this big bug that some of my friends started disappearing from my list of people who had added me. I was certain they did not delete me because some of them did message me on their own. The situation was worsening and I wondered if I should start afresh with another account.

I configured Gmail to access the new email through my server and it worked. However, my hands were itchy and I tried to use POP to transfer emails from my formal email address and it refused to stop importing the emails dated back at year 2008. I was not sure if the emails were still inside that account and if there was any duplication in my main account. The terror took quite long to end, and before that, I had logged out from my Gmail.

My neighbour came to visit his mum and he dropped by my house. He suggested loaning my yellow bird over for a week because he had two male birds at home and would like to see if they could mate. Later on, I spent some time over his mum’s house to play with the bird.

Into late night saw my excitement chatting in the MSN.


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