Sad that I was Right

“The overall speed of responses signifies the value of you in a person’s heart. Know where you stand and learn to let go; quit being a clown.” – I was right all along.

This morning, some truths finally came into light. Sometimes I got so disheartened by my sharpness for I could see the appreciation from friends easily. There were always reasons why some things had happened and why some people would neglect you.

I did my usual blogging and eventually I dug up some songs that went missing somehow. Before I went to bed at around 5am, I began a bit on a new page for SmokeForWhat.

I began with work soon after waking up at around 2pm. I almost forgot it was a Saturday.

In the evening, I dropped Bianhong a message to check if he had seen my email to him days ago that I had attached the amended design for him. He finally called me back to confirm that he was satisfied with it and he wanted to send to the shop in a couple hours of time before it closed. I was wondering why he was not anxious about it days ago but I guessed he did not want to hurry me. It took me some brain cells to try to convince him that the draft copy that I had sent him was less than one-third the quality of the original version. In the end, I made assurance that he would be mocked by the printing company for the poor quality, and that he had to trust me, having to wait on.

I saved the finally version in the original 300 dpi quality and it took quite some time for the A2 size design to appear in JPG in the highest quality. After uploading it to MediaFire, the free file hosting site failed me yet again when the entire file went missing. I had to re-upload it but I pinned my hope on YouSendIt instead, which worked.


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