Overslept for 3pm’s Haircut Appointment

[Thursday, 28 October, 2010]

I had feedbacks from Yuqing, Yaozhong, Yingying and Jianwei regarding the design of my tuition agency website and all of them had different opinions on both the original and new formal looking design. The hesitation was killing me. I continued working on the website on its contents without making any major changes.

I started forwarding some interesting emails and blogged before I went to sleep at around 8am.

I woke up at 4pm in a shock for I had missed my haircut appointment, which was supposed to be at 3pm. My mum was busy packing the living room and had totally forgotten that I had instructed her to wake me up. Luckily, the auntie was available but I interrupted her from packing her house for it was going to be her flat’s HDB renovation soon.

My evening was spent quite efficient working on a tuition time sheet to put on the tuition website. I also spent some time settling some matters about the tuition agency.

My dinner was instant porridge and redbean soup and I continued with my work after that.


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