Movie Exorcism and Mandy’s Stir-up

[Tuesday, 9 November, 2010]

I continued with my tuition website work and spent some time blogging before going to bed at 3.30am.

Since I was earlier, I bought my breakfast first and Terry did not get anything. It was raining and many NSmen who were being deployed to other zones came back for IPPT and thus they made a waste trip. The driver of the base ferry dropped us right at the gate of our zone.

I spent my time more fruitfully by writing for my tuition website. After lunch, however, I was too sleepy that I dozed off a few times. Terry and I made our most worthy contribution by following two contractors to service the fire fighting equipments at a quiet place. I was amazed when the driver alighted to go around the car for there was a sign to instruct passers-by to check their tyre before proceeding ahead. I did not like the place for it was too isolated and there were even snakes around. After going back to office, the contractors had their puffs and they sent us out to the main gate, and therefore we were earlier than the day before.

I worked on the Tuition Fees Budget Calculator for Smart Tuition Singapore. It was great that the codes that I had written on papers worked perfectly. Before I could implement AJAX to it, it was 8pm and I left the house with my younger brother. We took bus to Central and transited to bus 190 towards The Cathay. After buying the tickets for The Exorcism, we walked around the building before his buddy joined us.

The movie was quite boring at first for it was filmed in a point-of-view of the actor style. I almost dozed off at the beginning and my younger brother started explaining what was happening, which I actually knew for my brain was still functioning all along. It was quite funny in some parts, especially when the priest showed his props to perform fake exorcism. The ending was somehow quite uninteresting.

We took bus 167 home. At the point of time we stepped into the house, my elder brother told us my younger brother’s good friend, Mandy, had called our house to ask for help. The three of us went down together with Lucky and met her at the UOB ATM machines. She started explaining to us that there was a fight earlier on when an auntie stalling the cash deposit machine started arguing with her and another stranger, and her ah beng husband came over to display his hooligan-ness. We were amazed by her story. Anyway, we walked her back to the same bus-stop at Cantonment Link, where we alighted earlier.


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