Collection of Office Keys

[Friday, 10 December, 2010]

Friday was a long day for me. I spent the morning working on the “Our Services” page for Smart Tuition Singapore to include extra services. I wanted to go to bed early since I had to meet up with Mike to collect the keys to the new office. However, my mum wanted to go to the ATM at around 3am and we brought Lucky down. Her main motive was probably to take Lucky for a walk, which was certainly at the wrong time. Lucky refused to do his business downstairs and eventually gave me more work to wipe his poo on the floor later on. I went to bed at 6am and Lucky disturbed me for quite long, moving down and up of the bed.

Mike’s SMS at 9.30am woke me up. I met him up Amara hotel and we took a cab over to Raeburn Park. We had breakfast at the canteen and Linda came down. David was busy with another client and he did not come down as what he had told us days ago, however, the co-broke agent did not join us as well.

After collecting the keys, we walked around the place while waiting for the air-conditioner man, Ah Tan, to come over. The assistant manager, Xiao Hui, joined us to give us instructions on the installation, such as piping. It was problematic and I finally realised why the rental fee was low. Ah Tan advised us to look for the contractor from the management who had done the work there before and was thus familiar with the procedure.

We strolled over to Chinatown Point’s MacDonald’s. Mike exhausted himself by sharing his stories and strategies with me. After that, we took a bus back to Kampong Bahru Road. After resting for a while while waiting for Xiao Hui to get back to us regarding the contractor’s contact information, we walked to Tanjong Pagar.

Due to the lack of sleep, I had a low efficient afternoon trying to do my SEO for the tuition agency website. I spent hours typing a new article – Home Tuition in Singapore.

The Johor Bahru trip for the next day to celebration my younger brother’s birthday was confirmed.


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