A Good Place for Kaven

[Friday, 02 March, 2007]

I was not feeling too good this morning and started to play Condition Zero. I had not been touching for as long as after I ORDed. It reminded me so much of the army days when I was together with my colleagues, doing all the shitty work together and at times we tried to squeeze out time to play the game. We took part in the competition and got second place. I had so much things to work on (I had not even finished the summary for my army days) but I really needed to get my mind out of the current situation.

I waked up at around noon and remembered the valuer was going down to Bukit Batok. Afterwards, Mingfa told me that girl was quite pretty and was only around our ages. It was such a waste that I did not go. I had dozed off so many times in the afternoon when weather was excellent for sleeping. The rain did not wake me up, but instead, kept my mind in peace. With everyone out of the house, the main door was closed and thus I was really left in peace.

Eugeue from ERA called me to persuade me to join his company. He had two packages for me. The first one was to give the company 20% of my commission each time as a newcomer but I got to attend all those free courses; the second one was to give the company only 10% and my position would be associate manager but I did not get to attend the courses as an “old bird”. Both he and I thought the second option would be the best but I felt it was too flattering for me. One thing for sure was that I had to consult Kelly and the biggest problem was the hypocrisy of people in this line – everyone would smile at me but might not be sincere.

For all I knew, I was still wondering if I should continue in this line. It was not that I was afraid of all the bastards but the field was designed to turn challengers nasty. Since it was a trend that most agents were crooks somehow, I believed many of the honest agents had either quitted or submitted to the wicked force. There were many things I liked about in this line but I really hated getting pissed off over rude or conscienceless agents.

If Mike had started his business since last year, things would definitely be different and that I needed not question myself so often now. It would probably take two or three months for his contract with the army to end and that I could demonstrate my talent in the web market. By then, would I be too busy in the property line? But if I did not join this line, would I be able to get to meet Kelly, David and Kaven?

I had a chat with Kaven during evening when he was on the way home in a traffic jam. He told me he would not have trusted me if I had worked longer in this line. That was really a big blow to me for that really showed how people judged agents. So, if I were able to continue to maintain my ethics ten years down the road, people like Kaven might not even trust me. To other, it might not be a big concern but it mattered so much to me.

While he and I were still on the phone, Kelly called me to tell me that there were not many listing on the latest newspaper’s classified. Just when she was mentioning about block “698a” was not what Kaven was really looking for, I was excited by the news however. That was the area which Kaven pointed out that he liked the flats so much on the appearance for they were some of the newest flats in Hougang. Kelly quickly contacted that agent and we agreed to meet at 9pm.

I called my mum and she came back home earlier to cook fried rice. Before she finished cooking, I had a game of Condition Zero again. Just before leaving the house, I remembered Ruoci have not replied me over her results. I gave her a call after getting dressed and was surprised she was not busy as usual. I continued to listen to her sweet voice for another fifteen minutes before I told her I had to leave the house.

I was quite unlucky to miss the train and “dumbos” were blocking the way. Singapore, compared to Taiwan, was still so much lagged behind in terms of courtesy. I remembered clearly in Taiwan, everyone had to keep to the right side of the escalators so that those passengers rushing for time could make their ways faster. Whereas in Singapore, idiots pretended not knowing about the rules of keeping to the left did not exist and chose to act like huge and unmovable cupboards.

Kaven arrived around twenty minutes earlier. I kept looking at my watch throughout the journey and was eventually late for another five minutes after missing another train at Outram Park station. Luckily Kaven was such a popular guy that he was entertained by the phone while waiting for me at Kovan station.

We were early while Kelly was busy and that she did not come half an hour earlier like usual. At 9pm, we finally met up and went to the flat together. It was the highest unit and it was located at the corner some more. I was further impressed by the condition of the house and that it matched well to Kaven’s ideal house. The location was nice with coffee shops and 7-11 store, however, was a fifteen minutes walk to the MRT station which was also quite a reasonable distance.

We walked over to near the MRT station and went back to drench our thirst at the 7-11 store before discussing furthermore. Afterwards, Kaven drove me home once again. It was another struggle on my mind to whether to stay on with the job.

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