Last Friday was the teambuilding event. I took half day off from boss in the morning since it would be redundant to travel to the west and to the east after that. It was the only off I took during the entire holidays.
I had a long rest while waiting for Jingkun to call me. I did not have much appetite and could only force myself to crave for a Mc Chicken burger. I was on my way to the bus-stop at Keppel road and decided to give a try at the MacDonald’s at Shenton Way. The brisk walk started my draining day and I was glad to reach the bus-stop before Jingkun. However, on the way, I remembered there was a drive-through MacDonald’s at East Coast Park and felt very stupid.
The entire event was quite fun, although it was under the sun and not everyone was enthusiastic about it. I was glad enough to group with Dorothy, Magdalene and Joy since they were among my best clicks. We started off with thinking of a team name and decorating a banner, and we got the highest votes. Next game was to fetch water using plastic bags from the sea and collecting them from a distance away using a piece of towel swung over by two members. I got my bottom wet since I went deeper into the water as the plastic bags started floating away. We emerged the champion group again.
One of the games was called off due to time constraint. We started sandcastle and kite making, as we separated ourselves into two groups. I fetched the water over from the sea for more than ten times and got myself exhausted before direct hands-on with the sandcastle. I was quite certain that our sandcastle topped the competition, however, the nicely decorated kite could not kick off in the air.
My team emerged the overall champion among the four games. I was very excited to receive the prize but it dragged on and I almost thought there was none. Everyone started leaving during the barbecue session once they got their stomachs filled. In the end, the call for the prize presentation caught my weary body.
I was very disappointed when I realized the prizes for all positions were the same; I felt our efforts were totally thrashed. It was not about the value of the prizes but the identification of our commitments.
The day was fun with all the friends around, especially the splashing of water with Hirman and Magdalene.
Since Jingkun left before the prize presentation, I took a lift from Dorothy instead together with Mrs Lui. She dropped me at Cantonment Link and I was more than happy with it.