Spread the Love – April 2015

My mum had an advanced birthday celebration for her 60th. My younger brother did most of the preparation work after we went to the cafe for scouting. If it was not for him, I would probably be further stressed. Needless to say, we had many great friends who were very generous. They not only shared …

Spread the Love – March 2015

Yaozhong introduced me an assignment at NUS, which I actually regretted taking up after I realised the schedule was ridiculous. The first shoot was in the early morning and the last shoot was in the late afternoon. The three consecutive days of such two-hour assignments almost tore me apart. Other than having to wake up …

Spread the Love – February 2015

Weitat had always played a role more than good friend. I tried not to repeat the same type of kindness too often but he was making me feel guilty. On the first day of February 2015, we had our usual Sunday beach volleyball game. Instead of going to nearby places like Vivocity or even Queensway …

She's not Interested in having Relationship at the Moment

Whenever someone tells you he or she is not interested in having relationship at the moment, you have to understand that this actually means you are not in his or her league. Give up. As lousy as it sounds like a common lie to brush you off, the person is, in fact, trying to sound …

Spread the Love – January 2015

My buddy Gilbert proudly appeared in my monthly hero list again. As both of us got busier especially after I began with professional photography, it was not easy for us to meet up. He always took the effort to arrange outings with me still. I did not ask him but the meet-up for January for …

Year 2014 – Professional Photography Journey Began

Smart Tuition The tuition agency business was somehow as stagnant as before. I did not have the time and energy to “expand” it. The lack of credible and suitable coordinators was the main problem. There were quite a number of people emailing us to take up the job but we did not want to take …

Printable 2015 Calendar Planner

Try downloading and printing out Calendar Planner for year 2015, which is done by me! Every year, I’m creating this Calendar Planner for everyone. It is something simple and I’m glad quite a number of people have complimented me over this free tool. Someone be nice and print out a copy for me as well!

Spread the Love – December 2014

During my photoshoot with Lurvelle, Kelvin Sim joined in and offered very great assistance. He was able to even get safety pins during late night at Clarke Quay. During the entire shoot, he had been taking other great initiatives to offer his help. It was a culture shock for me because “escorts” of models were …

+095487821 Singapore Phone

I have just received a missed call from this number +095487821. After doing a Google search, I realise many people have received the call from this weird number as well. It’s definitely not safe to pick up the call! This number called me just now. I picked up but did not say anything. If the …