一样的纯真,一样的妩媚,你依然是这样的完美。 不要让我妒嫉你和他们的距离,虽然见你已是幸福;我们却还能交谈。 世界是因你而拼搏,就算只能获取你一秒的欣赏,我不放弃。 汗为你而流,旧伤为你而痛,就算你看不见我只能认命。 Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com
Tag Archives: chinese
满足了 灰暗的天空忽然变得闪亮起来;就算是夜晚、当我疲惫不堪,我也能感受到灿烂的光芒。 这只是一折人人都觉得普通的简讯,却是生命的欢呼。也许这已是最高点,坦也是几年来的唯一幸福。 Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com
前无去路,希望就在拐弯点。 累了就能停下脚步吗? Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com
齊天大聖之憲在不准笑(音樂課) 16.9.06
Taiwanese variety shows are creative; they bring humours out of simple ideas. At least they put some smiles around. 齊天大聖之憲在不准笑(音樂課) Part1 16.9.06 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR5PdsiUhw4 (Taken from Jesedy’s email) Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com
One of the songs I like from 慈濟 (Tzu Chi) is 跪羊圖 (Gui Yang Tu). Website of Tzu Chi: http://www.tzuchi.org.sg/ Not many people would appreciate it but from an angle of arts, it is beautiful. Of course, it is not a Jay Chou’s song and thus you should not repeat the song more than ten …
汉武大帝 (Han Wu Da Di)
[Wednesday, 06 September, 2006] Zhang Qian finally returned to Chang An (Capital of China during early Han Dynasty) after his thirteen years of departure to the North, across the Xiong Nu territory, in search of the Yue Zhi country. He was assigned the ambassador to form an alliance with Yue Zhi to join the war …
真诚心声 – 许绍洋
[Sunday, 03 September, 2006] An Autumn Diary (秋天日记) I was watching a show, An Autumn Diary (秋天日记), on channel 8 from 0145h to 0400h. It was a show quite absurd at times, about a rich girl leaving house for a cheater. She was so quick-witted and yet could be fooled by him, who managed to …
眼泪是热的,言语是空虚的,连笑容也是刹那间的。 你只让天空不下雨,不在乎叶子会枯落。鲜花撒出了泪水,花瓣纷纷着地,幸福干枯了。 为一个不值得坚持与奋斗的人喝彩。原来曾经拥有的只是幻觉。 他看着河流,远处有人说会爱他百万年。原来长江也是孤独的。 Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com
这不是一个平凡的爱,它需要很多的真心与毅力。如果我们爱得简单,那又如何懂得珍惜?就让这煎熬成为我俩之间的考验,让世人都知道你我深深相爱,并给与我们祝福。 爱,这么疲倦,我却没放弃过;相信你也会坚持到底。 Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com
爱我一百万年,不许反悔! Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com