I received two presents and an “ang bao”. Obviously, the “ang bao” was from my mum. The first present was a G-Shock watch and that was my first G-Shock even though many friends already had one when they were even in primary school. My team-mates bought the watch for me and another Baby-G for Ruoci. …
Tag Archives: video
林峰 Raymond Lam – 心呼吸 (天涯侠医)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S4GodJRic0 A child playing piano 心呼吸 如深呼吸貼近天空愛的心 從天災戰事助人夢裡飛行 願星光終照亮傾出愛的心 微風中笑著願隨互愛精神 心相近 愛越近 似夢似幻似是人生 約會約誓愛是情深 雖偶遇挫敗有淚印 不會讓眼淚往下滲 有淚與共結伴如今 有淚與共結伴如今 秒秒更迫真 你我更相親 眼望見若意外情急 情總不自禁 能竭盡氣力作護蔭 我真心 就算犧牲 不需要問回贈 越過胸襟 將會讓過萬眾跳出抖震 如深呼吸貼近天空愛的心 從天災戰事助人夢裡飛行 願星光都照亮傾出愛真心 微風中笑著願隨互愛精神 心相近 愛越近 This is one of my favourite songs ever since the show “天涯侠医” begins showing on channel 8 on every weekends 7pm …
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF7fbQdBoYw Description: This singer remixed the national anthem and sang a song called ‘Negarakuku’ about polis corruption, racial preferential treatment, government inefficiency in Malaysia, and chinese school graduates barred from entering government universities. Now the government is suing him for “shaming the country and national anthem”. My Malaysian colleague, Jacqueline, introduced this video to me …
演唱:车仁表 这是梦吧 这是在做梦吧 黑暗之中 我曾找寻过你的手 白烟迷朦笼罩着我 我最爱你人找不到 原来这一切 只是个梦 我们是否还能够相遇 我想你什么都明白 留下的只是伤心的感慨 淡淡得离开我吧 别再回来吧 就算我真的流泪 就算我真的后悔 请告诉我 只是个梦 如果握着你的手 一定会伤得更痛 请告诉我 只是个梦 轻轻走吧 找寻一个可以能让你幸福的地方 The song of 四大名捕, the channel 8 show on Monday and Tuesday nights, released on year 2004. I love this Chinese song for the lyrics and rhythm but I cannot find …
First Time on a Blind Date
During a blind date, the guy might be up to mischief. Therefore, the girl has to take precaution and avoid similar encounter, especially when she wears a low-cut shirt. Guys are usually good with words and give you the sweetest smile ever and you never realise you are falling into his trick soon… Skai Chan …
Wrong Gift Again
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Natn4bAfEk0 Maybe guys should just buy soft toys for girls? Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com
Fantastic Machine
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMYBoVVku_U For music lovers! Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com
Smooth E Commercial
From Jesedy’s email Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com
My New Girlfriend
全智贤 Jeon Ji Hyun! Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com
Baby Sleeps With Water Tap
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vuZZ6GzZ0k This baby is so cute! He wakes up to turn on the water tap! Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com