The art of Chao Keng

Over the months, I’ve learnt a lot from all ranks of interesting people. It isn’t the greatest novel but certainly able to inspire readers to comment through spitting to recommend the heroes.

Well, the latest trend is to hold a file and walk around to pretend you’re busy. Meanwhile, you pop into the internet room to relax for all the time you’ve, without signing the logbook to prove that you’ve never been there. You push everything to your colleague and demand all unreasonable results from your men.

Next, you put on serious front when doing your work. You sleep and assume you’re the only one having personal problems. You push work to the newcomer; job that you think is troublesome, problem that is almost unsolvable.

Following, you sit back on all things and pretend mirth because you basically have nothing to do. You volunteer on work that can allow you to slack or even talk to girls.

There’re just too many things to learn, so many that I almost break down.

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