Going out with my colleagues were great, except for the wrong purpose. Yongcai’s father passed away a few days ago and we went to attend the funeral.
At least he has two elder brothers who are already fetching money home, while he’s serving the national with the low allowance each month. I mean he’s better off me, because my father passed away with lung cancer when I was in secondary three. My elder brother was sixteen then and my younger one was only eleven. Since then, I’ve been trying hard not to get upset over anything. Though I’ve failed umpteen times, the experiences have frozen my heart more.
Anyway, after the busy day, I didn’t catch the rest on the shuttle bus. I alighted and thought they had boarded the train, so I rushed up. My phone’s battery was drying off after the long day’s work. I finally switched it on but was too late. I met up with Rueben and took a walk down to find Chua at Jurong East.
Chua was a weird guy, because normally my friends wouldn’t want to trouble others, whereas he insisted Rueben to get him a packet of ice tea after we made a big round of search in vain. This time he pointed to us the direction. Though it was a bit far away, I was in luck upon crossing over the road. However, I was looking around the place and by the time I looked in front, a cute girl passed by, we had walked past each other. I sensed she was looking at us somehow. Anyway the coffee shop was quite far away and I made a wrong choice by purchasing the $1.20 can drink there since I could get it much cheaper at a vending machine.
We went back to sit down. Chua seemed fine to us. We couldn’t expect him to cry anyway, I understood his situation well, that he would most probably weep when nobody was around. Funerals in Singapore weren’t like in the movies where you could hear cries throughout the days.
As the rest arrived by bus, namely Fredrick, Ivan and Tze Siang, we had a great gathering. They were kind, fun and entertaining. We gossiped like aunties in the market and time passed by fast. Suddenly I saw Chua Kao Sai and I realised Yongcai and him were relatives. We had a chat about BMCC and PJC before the sky turned dark, we left for our dinner at IMM. I wasn’t feeling that great in my smelly uniform at crowded places.
I had made a fool out of myself a few times by saying “MMI” (Military Medical Institute) instead of IMM since I was always going to MMI for physiotherapy sessions. Anyway the Long John Silver’s place was almost full and we couldn’t get any seat, thus decided to cross over to JEC (Jurong Entertainment Centre). I wasn’t supportive of the idea since IMM was bigger and definitely had more babes to look at.
The Long John Silver’s at JEC was definitely a low rated place for its poor service. We waited for more than ten minutes for all the food to be served over to our table. I would never classify it as a fast food restaurant.
Set aside the food, our conversations went on again. We talked about the upcoming Jianwei’s chalet and the Red house at Pasir Ris. I could feel the innocence of everyone and too bad I didn’t have my camera with me. I seemed to be the quietest guy there but it was really entertaining to listen to him. We sat there for quite long and finally parted after nine. Everyone went separate ways except for Ivan who stayed close to me and we crapped so much in the train that I couldn’t stop laughing.