I can finally change into a new notebook after scribbling into my current one for more than half a year.
It is as lengthy as my journals’ webpage and certainly more, for all the draft works I had done. There are a few song lyrics, list of people attending outings and also the ROC diary which has not been typed out completely.
Gilbert had helped me design a simple book cover and carefully wrapped it up with talc, such that the original plain dark green hard casing cover had a total change of looks.
Soon, I will not be holding the old black notebook (year 2001’s AIA diary book), which people usually mistake it as bible if they never see the inner pages.
My new notebook is actually an older AIA diary, for year 2000, but the pages are still white and empty. The attempt to use it is to save money and especially to save paper. I also know well even f I were to get a new one from a bookshop; I will not bear to use it as well.
Now that my new book is out, there is a serious problem with the usage. It is of effort and hard work Gilbert had put in and that the book had actually worth more than any fantastic designed one you can get in bookshops. It will take too much courage to start writing anything onto it.
When I consult Gilbert about the new problem, he suggested, “Just write neatly lor.”
Soon, I will be putting all my thoughts onto it. In the meantime, I have to see that the more immediate required information is copied from the old one so that I can leave it lying at home.