MRI, finally

“Are you allergic to seafood?”
This question being asked in a pharmacy seemed so weird to me, until the pharmacist told me the capsules contained extracts from sea animals.
I finally survived through the pains to see the specialist for my injuries after the six months scheduled appointment. I was very concern about this meeting since something must be done soon before I ORD. I had prepared the listing of my problems in point form since I roughly guessed a different specialist would be seeing me again.
This time, the specialist suggested me to go for MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and it was the best decision any specialist had ever made. He indicated that there was another problem (Could be Osteoarthritis “OA”) with my knees which the term used was ancient language to me, such that my knees were bonded with not only Osgood Schlatter disease. He said there was nothing he could do to help me but after bugging him a few times, he decided to prescribe some supplements to help me improve on my conditions.
Since the specialist I had seen for gastric problems on Monday specified that I should not take medicine with class “NSAIDs”, this time I was not given all the old panadols that would worsen my health.
After paying up with my 11B (free-of-charge) and scheduling of the next appointment at the counter, I went to the pharmacy to take my queue number and then I went to the Radiology department to schedule for my MRI appointment. With request for an earlier date, the nurse scheduled me to Raffles’ hospital on the following Monday, else I would have to wait for a month to take it in SGH. Though I did not like to go to unfamiliar place, I thought it would be a good experience, especially to be able to gauge the services of the hospitals.
I went back to the pharmacy and was surprised that the “Donna capsule” were ready for collection since I usually had to wait for an hour to collect my medicine in SGH; however, “Artrex” had to be bought from the pharmacy at block 4. Anyway, the pharmacist praised me for my good time management. I went over to the clinic “H” to reschedule my appointment to an earlier date since the MRI result would only take a week’s time to surface out. After which, I went over to block 4 to collect the “Artrex”.
After all the rushing, I finally managed to leave the hospital after 4pm. I would say it was a fruitful afternoon after all since the MRI was scheduled and the medicine given seemed be more useful.

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