My full day of medical appointments

Yesterday was a strengthless day with my back aching tremendously, which had weakened my whole body. There was soon nothing I could do to stop myself from dozing off while resting.

Even though I needed not book in for I had medical appointment, I woke up early for the 8pm physiotherapy appointment. It was a blessing anyway for my effort to be able to admire good scenery; girls from ACJC were charismatic. I was queuing up for the shuttle bus when I realised there were few people there. I quickly took a peep at the signboard, which wrote the first bus timing as 8pm, forcing me to cross over to take the public transport.

I was twenty minutes earlier. The security guard told me no one had drawn the keys to MMI yet and suggested me to go to the canteen for my breakfast first. It was weird to be in an unfamiliar place alone, but the cost of the food certainly delighted me; I bought a fillet bun with a two bucks note and the cashier returned me $1.40.

I almost caught Kenneth on the lift but I was too weak to run. The next lift was fast and we met up at the door. It was good that I needed not wait for more than half an hour again this time; however, the eighteen instead of the usual ten to twelve gym items awaited me. I helped him open the windows binding and then had a chat at the counter while waiting for the laggy computer to run.

I started off with the hands cycling machine which I usually used to warm up with. It proved that my back had worsened once again, and my movement was restricted, paddling almost drew my tears down. I could usually do it smoothly, even to exceed the given speed, but this time I had to even reduce the resistance. I did not do the rest of the stretching and strengthening properly since I almost could not move my back.

I was the first and last person to use the gym, so hardworking like usual; unlike others who left in a while by not following all instructions. I called Ou Xiang (Peifeng) up for lunch but her hall was quite far away. I woke Robin up who told me he had an assignment to be submitted in less than two hours’ time (And he was still sleeping?). So, I went home straight to eat the mini instant noodle.

I hurried off to Raffles Hospital after my lunch for my MRI. I was twenty minutes earlier and the nurse told me to leave the appointment letter on the table. It was weird for SGH (Singapore General Hospital) usually had a tray for that and I was worried that they might forget about my letter.

The ambience and the sofa-like chairs could comfortably put any patient well. It was just a few minutes after two, someone woke me up by calling for my name. I was then told to put on a robe before entering a room. Then I was given two ear plugs and told to lie down on the bed. I was then slide into the machine. It was a simulation of a coffin and I realised vampires might have installed air-con inside their “houses” that they were able to doze off comfortably like even though it was very noisy inside.

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