I was trying through SMS to get Wei Chuan to join Gilbert, Terry and I to swim later but he did not reply me.
Suddenly, he messaged me in MSN and asked if I were free in the morning. So, I remembered I did not include my name in that message and I thought he had asked Terry about it and was trying to play a fool on me.
I was surprised when he invited me to his church. As I questioned him, I realised he had not read my message. It was some time after he logged off, he replied me that he had finally received it.
M1 – it is getting slower and slower. It has been causing me troubles by the latency during emergency time and worse still, some friends have failed to receive some of my messages. I regret badly to sign up with them years ago for the cheap phone. And now that my contract has ended (actually since last year), I can finally fly away.
I believe in SingTel’s network, but the Starhub’s count-by-second’s privilege is a better grab. I would choose Starhub rather for their prices are almost of same price for corporate rate.
Since I’ve been getting explosion for my bill these months ever since stepping into Signal Institute, I think I really need to get a free incoming call plan soon; however, I want a new number after ORD so that I will not be contacted for the camp’s stuffs and thus I’m at a lost to whether get the line now or during my clear leave period.
It is a decision hard to make, and only if I’m rich I need not bother so much.