Vivi's birthday

[Tuesday, 23 May, 2006]

For so long I had not felt so crazy. My mind was in a total blank and soon headaches started to embark. I knew I had to do something special for her, the sweetie who was so far the most charming girl I had ever met, more charismatic and purer than girls who I had ever fallen for; and definitely deserved more than what I had done for others.

I dozed off even before saying goodbye to her and her poetic message saturated my heart with sweetness when I woke up and checked my phone. She made me feel high again; despites this, I was still feeling very lost.

Into morning, I waited eagerly for her arrival. I started packing a little around my work area and gave up seeing the table covered with stuffs so untidily. After noon, she still did not reply my messages and I began to get more worried. I gave her a call and after some rings, it was cancelled.

Throughout the time spent on waiting for her, the torment was so great that I almost went berserk. There was too much to worry for her; her carelessness, people who were jealous of her and guys who were attracted to her. It could also be a surprised party organised by her schoolmates. I began to feel so sick.

She finally arrived at around 3pm and that certainly eased my mind off. She told me she had left her phone inside the car and school ended late. Since she had brought the wrong shorts, I sent her home to get changed instead of wearing the uniform. It might be a wrong choice after all as she got into a tiff with her mum who unreasonably limited her to reach home by 7.30pm.

We went to The Cathay for movie but the show “Da Vinci Code” was already being cast. We settled for “Over the Hedge”, which was right in time. Though it was not the first time I warmed her hands, the feeling was totally different from the previous two times. How great it was to be with the beloved one.

It was a short cartoon movie, which might not worth the money, but overall it was quite funny. It could be better if the lady to my right did not try to smooth her throat each time after she took a slip of water, which was very irritating and scary sometimes.

I took her to Plaza Singapura after that, trying to find her a necklace which would suit her dress for her relative’s wedding dinner. After rounds and rounds of searching, we could not find a reasonable priced and suitable one. I almost went in despair but of course it was not shown on my face; I wanted so much to give her a nice present which could last forever and as well as to accompany her to Malaysia when I was unable to tag along.

As time was running out, we went to shop for clothes instead. She was such a nice girl who could be so easily satisfied and willing to do a little change for me which was obviously a big sacrifice. That almost ended the unromantic day after I sent her home.

I went to Chinatown straight away while I tried to dig more information on the way through SMS to make sure her family did not celebrate for her. Her mum was going to leave home soon but would be home shortly. Everything was just nice but I was quite amazed when I reached Swensen. The ice-cream Black Forest cake was extremely expensive and they could not at least sell lighter or matchstick to me, not even a knife. The service sucked totally I must say. I quickly made a long walk to the nearest 7-11 store and bought a lighter at higher price and sped to her house without any delay even though my throat was very dry.

Just outside the lift, I arranged everything and called her to meet me downstairs immediately before I lighted the candles. The lift opened and her neighbours in a big group were amazed as one of their birthdays fell on that day as well. They started to make noise even though they obviously knew I was trying to give someone a surprise. Luckily she could not hear it. Two of them stood there to wait for the free show.

As the candles were almost gone, I quickly made a second call to her and just seconds later I heard the opening of the doors. She was as blur as usual, partly too anxious, turned to the left to face the lift and without noticing I was there behind her all along. Her neighbours greeted her happy birthday, which most probably had shocked her so much since she did not know them.

I stepped forward and called her before she realised my existence. In smiles, she looked like the happiest girl on earth. I sang a birthday song for her, though was too voiceless sometimes with my throat irritation, but was enough to force her smiles to become sweeter. Her neighbours took pictures of us.

She called her mum immediately to get permission for me to enter her house and I was lucky that night. It was satisfying to see how happy she was though she was already so joyful with the greetings and presents from so many of her friends. We managed to take some pictures together and but the excitement did not end…

Her mum returned after 9pm and she dashed into the bathroom immediately. I was left in the living room to face the music with her sister. Luckily, there was not much questioning but I was sweating like after a 2.4km run. I really wished I could chat with her mum more so as to boost about the Vivi from my view but it might be dreadful if she started to question me more.

The night finally ended with her sending me down to the bus-stop and I did not stop her so that we could get together for a longer time. The fact that my pocket was burnt a big hole was worthwhile for I was able to cheer her up so much.

This was what a penniless guy could do for a girl of his admiration, though might not be very romantic, at least the effort justified his love.

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