End of Seminar

[Thursday, 01 June, 2006]

Finally it was over; an unrest being resolved.

I seemed like a prisoner being released from the theatrette, yearning so much for my carefree life. It was worse than jail, freezing and tiring.

It was not so bad after all as I got to make new friends, just wondering if they would still remember me ever since the event was over and thus need no more help from me.

The final day of the Signal Workplan seminar, there were more jokes than ever. Even though the rehearsal in the early morning was delayed by inconsiderate people and things got so screwed up again, all of us did not lose our calm.

*Lagging of display during switching of input, which was disastrous*
A to Radio: It’s the switch’s fault. Don’t worry we’re fixing it. (Laugh)
*Did nothing except to retry the same thing*

Lunch was a quick one at Lot 1’s McDonald’s. Yuqing drove me out and gave me a treat, most probably because he was in a very good mood. It was such a pity that we could not take our own sweet time to enjoy the food.

A to Radio: Tell me when Chief is on level two.
B to A: Need to tell when he’s going to toilet?
A to B: Tell me which cubicle he goes to.

Weirdly, everything turned out alright during the actual show. It was the celebration of everyone’s efforts that called the success.

During the pack up, I saw the responsibility of Yuqing, wanting to fix everything back when we were both exhausted right after the event. I was quite touched at the same time as he tried to carry most of the heavy stuffs as he was concerned about my back injury.

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